First... I respect all of you out there. Skinners, Masterskinners, etc... you are A+ in my book.
There appears to be no quality standard once a skinner reaches Master Skinner status. It is simply attrition then. They think all or most of their skins are worthy of the price tag. If they offer a freebie, it really is a freebie. But it is not usually of the same quality.
Skin creators want to justify their price with a time comparison. It is apparent that they don't skin because they just like to skin. Sorry, it doesn't work like that. People spend boatloads more time making items with more or less impact on their community and command a much less profit of then 65%. Just look at the music industry, the food industry, or any other industry for that matter. Creator makes no where near 65% sales profit.
I love windowblinds, but I certainly don't get to test, use, or play with as many skins from here as I used to. Why.... the sheer cost of the bling.
I have bought a couple. There are many out there that interest me, but honestly I don't have $75 to $150 a month to get them all. I have a new widescreen monitor on the way and am leary of what will work from here on it. Is that new $12.95 skin going to work with an unusual resolution? It use to be try and see, now it is buy and see.
Perhaps a solution:
Try a real sale sometime.... and I am not talking about 10% discount for subscribers. Maybe subscribers should get a free one a month. You might have me on that one. Or, when you purchase Windowblinds, you should get a voucher for 3 skins of choice. Promote the product, and treat the customer base with dignity. We all want to see this wonderful product and user base grow.