Then you probably won't understand 90% of Stardock customers. I like most people would love to have a IP but to say Windowblinds is useless without it or even not as good is just silly. Windowblinds serves the purpose of changing the general GUI of the OS and makes it more pleasing to the eye with or without stock icons being changed. Changing the icons does make it look more aesthetically pleasing but it is just an improvement on a great looking blind, it is not the be-all and end-all. I reverted back to Windows 7 so it is not an issue for me but when I was using Windows 10 it was also not an issue because I changed my icons using the method that was mentioned in this thread.
While it may be true that 90% Of Stardock customers would use Windowblinds in the absence of Iconpackager, cos the default UI is fugly, I would hazard to bet that nearly all would prefer to have both programs, one to compliment the other. I know that if I'd put together a nice dark theme using the other Stardock programs, the last thing I would want to see is those default 'blue' icons that look like escapees from a Fisher Price reject bin.
As for reverting back to Win 7, I know of quite a few people who opted out of Win 10 for a previous version, so while MS is saying it has so many Win 10 users based on activations, I'd suggest the number of actual users is less... given how many users swapped it out for another OS