Microsoft announced Intel's future processors Kaby Lake will not support Windows 7 and 8 only Windows 10.Wow! thats greedy MS.
What's so damned despicable about this debacle is MS citing 'security concerns' with previous OSes. Several tech writers have denounced this move as scare tactics and quite dishonest. The truth is, MS wants everybody using Win 10, and will stop at nothing to make that happen. Well I have some bad news for MS, I'm switching to a Linux OS when support for Win 8.1 is taken off the table.
Microsoft knows it can pretty much get away with anything, and seems to have continued its pattern of "f--- you customers, we made sure you would not have alternatives, take what we give you" attitude they continue operating on today.
Not in my world it isn't! I have no intention of being corralled in MS' version of a walled garden, or of copping forced updates up the arse, having everything I do on my PC recorded for whatever purposes MS chooses. No, and Apple is no better. Both companies have agendas that consider not the user, and neither can be trusted, less so now that MS has adopted Apple's business model.
Now that would be a turn up for the books. Apple has a patent on it and is currently looking to sue MS.
With a bit of luck they'll drag it all out and bankrupt each other with impossible (to meet) legal fees.
Thing is, there are alternatives out there, and there will be plenty of Win 10 users switching to one of them when they get sick to the teeth of MS' bullying and standover tactics, being forced to cop shit they neither want or need. The fact that they keep reissuing Win 10 upgrades, often disguised as important and/or critical updates, to users who have already declined it several times is proof enough that MS does not and will not accept no for an answer. Just imagine what it will be like once trapped inside MS' most controllable OS, where they call the shots andensure users toe the MS line.
Anyone who wants that is welcome to it, but Windows beyond 8.1 is not for me. I will still use Win 8.1 when support ends, just not on a net-connected machine, just as I currently do with OS-X on my Mac Mini. Yeah, I got pissed that Apple used updates to delete various non- store apps and devices, so the Mac Mini got cut off from the net. Now when I want updates for it I download them on my main PC and move them over via data tranfer cable.
Apple is just all kinds of magical evilness today, they routinely file vague patents on other peoples work and then sue companies, who are some times the actual originators in the first place,
Apple has been doing that for decades, claiming others material as its own, and now MS has adopted a very similar business model, don't be at all surprised to see it behaving in very much the same way. One company is as evil as the other now.... God forbid they ever joined forces.