I like to add this for you and i'm not being a smart guy or anything like that.
WindowBlinds is still in it's first beta. Windows 10 is a totally new version and Microsoft decided to hard code many things. That means it can't be changed. I have no idea when the next version will be out hopefully sooner than later. It may also be a beta like the one available now or could be a final release. Things on Windows 10 will never be skinned. If you would have been following this since Dec. 15, 2015 you would know this. There is a thread that has 330 post as of right now with your concerns along with many others. Here is the thread. https://forums.wincustomize.com/474074/page/14/#3618135
WindowBlinds is being worked on to get to the next version. Some things will be fixed but the days of the old Windows versions are gone. Stardock is actually doing all of us a favor spending money they may not ever get back. Start10 and WB make win 10 look pretty damn good.
So for me the bottom line is this. Parts of Windows 10 will never be skinned but much of it will. So be assured what can be skinned will be and it's still being worked on. As far as when? There is no time limit and the best answer is when it's ready. So do your best to be patient like the rest of us and relax a bit.
So look at the link above. The name of the thread is below. Who know maybe some or all of your concerns may have already been answered.