Well, I didn't experience any of the issues you have mentioned thus far.
However, it kinda totally messed up my Fences. Icons seemingly disconnected from their fence and appearing on the desktop when the fences were hidden.. not that they worked.. they appeared to be a screenshot of my icons and were non-functional. All I tried was applying snow effect to my existing static wallpaper.
*rolls eyes .. it's ok but, I think I will wait to reinstall it once there's been an upgrade/patch/fix/etc. released.
I'm still waiting for CursorFX to get fixed too.. so it doesn't prefer to slide under menus & things instead of staying on the top level so, maybe they're still thinking about fixes.. been a very long time to be without CursorFX already though. I did convert a couple into windows format and that worked but, omg what a hassle that mess was.
Ok Stardock. We love ya but, c'mon .. get w/those friends @Microsoft and figure out some solutions for these little glitches that keep us from being able to use the programs we keep licensing --please. 
Sincerely, devoted fanboy for like ever, ~Myr