Quoting starkers,
reply 30
Quoting The_Gear,
reply 25
The apps within the suite are being worked on for Windows 10, as has been stated. Please be patient while they are developed/updated.
I sincerely hope that includes Iconpackager... my renewing my subscription may well depend on it.
Sorry, Mark. IP isn't even included in the list of apps included with ODNT 2016.
I was afraid of that! thing is, I can run Iconpackager on Win 8.1, albeit in a reduced capacity: re; live folders, so how hard can it be to update to be fully compatible with Win 8.1 and 10? Last I heard, system icons weren't hard coded or anything. And if IP can offer the option for users to choose the path/directory to where the packages are stored, then it shouldn't be too difficult to include paths/directories to swap desktop shortcut icons that are not included in the system exchange.
Of late, we have seen many updates for the newer apps such as Start8 [now Start10], and I'm grateful for that, being an 8.1 user, but many of the core OD apps have either been neglected or developmentally dropped entirely, and I believe that has had an adverse effect on the long-term/core users who have been there since the early days. For mine, these users are the backbone of Stardock's customer base, and to leave them wanting is not a good idea.
Okay, so there are those who say skinning is dead, but why is that. Could it be that core apps have been neglected or discontinued? Could it be that it has become too time intensive and difficult to use SkinStudio? If one goes over to devart and looks in the MSStyles section, it can be seen to be thriving with daily submissions, and those skins/themes can change system icons, so skinning is not dead. Not at all!
Now I much prefer to use Stardock apps to customise my desktop, but with so many apps discontinued or far behind the times in terms of updating/development, I am questioning whether I will continue to do so. Win 10's system icons are butt ugly at best, so without Iconpackager to complete the UI transformation, it is most unlikely I will ever upgrade to it as a primary OS.... unless MSSTyles can transform the entire desktop to my liking. For me, the entire desktop needs to be skinned to be aesthetically pleasing/complete, and I'm sure most long-term users feel the same... that IP needs some TLC and updating.
Sorry, Stardock, I don't often complain, but you have dropped the bundle on a number of core skinning apps. Since 2004 I have mostly been happy with the apps and service, but over the last couple of years or so I have had to question whether I would continue my OD subscription because, honestly, updates and development of core apps has been far and few between.
If it were only me, I suppose I could easily be dismissed, but the complaints are coming from numerous users right across the forums, so I'm not an isolated whinger who isn't happy,