Haha! It's called learning the new OS and adapting. In a sense, people who want the OS to stay exactly the same I'd say aren't that intelligent.
Moving a bunch of stuff out of Control Panel into Settings is just arbitary! Metroizing IE into Edge and leaving out lots of the features -- is stupid! Creating a half-legacy/half-metro Start Menu that's the worst of both worlds -- another change that is stupid! Not likeing stupid changes is a sign of intelligence, not the other way around.
We're in 2015 and the OS still has basically the same format it had from many years ago ...
This just plain doesn't make sense. What is an OS "format"? If you mean the desktop, you're completely off-base here. W95 was very different from Windows 3.1, and the same was true about XP, then ME, then Vista, then Win7, then Win8. The only deskop that is much the same between OS versions is Win10 compared to Win8.
because people like you can't adapt.
NOW -- you're being just plain insulting! You have now way of knowing what anyone is like who posts here.
they lack the capability to remember where that was once they've moved away from it.
A clear nonsequitor -- why does not remembering where some was before affect anyone's ability to know where it is now? Another comment of yours that does not make sense.
NEW is not necessarily BETTER -- new is just DIFFERENT.