Without putting on a tinfoil hat, I think there are four groups responsible for this mess (there is some overlap in these groups):
1. Elected officials in office who don't want a catastrophe to occur on their watch because they may not get re-elected
2. Government employees who truly don't want people to get hurt, and are willing to go against the Constitution to that end, whether knowingly or not
3. Citizens who want Big Brother to take any means necessary to provide security
4. Citizens who don't care what the Government does to provide a little security because "I have nothing to hide."
Note that I did not specify a country, this is pervasive in all countries! Only those of us with a passion for restricted government and some knowledge of history fight against this movement, and since we are a minority, that's why it's an uphill battle.
There is a 5th group! Corporations! Yes, the corporations that peddle hardware and software, arms and munitions to government. They have a vested interest to keep sales flowing and growing, so perhaps corporations have ben in the ears of government with this and that 'potential' threat to drive up the need for 'counter' tech/equipment.
However, from this list of 5, I place the blame largely at the feet of politicians, the various government agencies and corporations. They're the ones with the power and the means... and it was they who let the genie out of the bottle to begin with. Thing is, it was never about security, national or otherwise to begin with, though that was the justification given. No, it was about power and control, both governmental and corporate... by gaining the upper hand and subjugating those weaker, less capable nations.
The only time it became about security was when various groups resorted to terrorism and struck at targets on US, British and Eurpean home soil. Now I'm in no way condoning terrorism, nor violent protests, but I do sometimes wonder if we [the West] brought this upon ourselves through arrogance and a failure to understand the culture and beliefs of those we've aggrieved. And let's not try to say we've aggrieved noone. The West has a long history of sticking its nose where it wasn't invited, wanted or needed, imposing rules, laws and religious beliefs on those who had managed for thousands of years to manage their affairs without Western influences.... 'civilisation'.
Okay, so maybe I've digressed from the OT somewhat, but one needs to first understand the symptoms if a cure is to be found, and put simply, government, its agencies and corporations are not the parties to diagnose and implement recovery. No, they are the cause and must be precludred if answers are to be found. In other words, an independent commission must be given the authority to implement broad sweeping changes as to how government and its agencies behave with regard to privacy, spying and data collection, etc.
Now I'm not singling out thr US, because the Brits and Australians have enough cock-ups to be ashamed of embarrassed about, but the US certainly has to address the political system that allows such corruption, graft and apathy to prevail... not to mention the greed and insatiable thirst for power that overrides whatever good there may have once been on Capitol Hill. Forget the Constitution... your elected officials have. Worse still, you've all allowed them to.
It is curable, but it requires a true conscience vote on polling day and not just a tick for the incumbent, who not only have betrayed everyone with his/her apathy, but also has a complete lack of respect for the office they hold. In any event, things will not improve unless you throw the baby [read, illegitemate child] out with the bath water.
Yeah, I know, what the fech would I know, and maybe as a foreigner I should keep my mouth shut, but sometimes you can't see the smoke for the trees and it takes somebody from the outside looking in to call a spade a spade.
Orright, I'm done here... unless somebody has something compelling so say that demands/begs a reply.