I will be quite honest & up front and say that at the present moment, I'm quite angry at Stardocks support team. Seriously, how long does it take to fix an activation problem. Are you that swamped with support tickets ? I believe the support ticket that I submitted has been in your hands for plenty of time to be resolved ,and yet, not a word. As angry as I am, I am going to remain civil here and mention that this is one of, and the most important reason why I opted not to renew a subscription to Object Desktop this year, the Support simply is not there or sadly lacking in responsiveness.
EDIT : I want to thank Stardock Support and especially Sean Drohan for going the extra mile to solve this problem for me , even though it was a weekend !! I apologize for the harsh & undeserved criticism , I should be flogged repeatedly for using such poor judgement. -- ACE ---