Lots of improvements! Using it now and it's faster.
Fixes/changes: Overhauled WebGL. It now properly supports depth textures, shadow mapping and glow shaders. Note that older operating systems or older/embedded video processors may be limited in their support of these features. Updated the ANGLE library to a much more current version. Removed the crash reporter code completely to improve overall browser responsiveness and operation. Please note that a necessary victim of this has been the in-browser (devtools) SPS profiler because of its reliance on crash reporter data-gathering tools. Removed the Mozilla Plugin Finder Service (no longer in use @Mozilla). Android: removed the Mozilla "product announcements" service. Re-added control of the number of concurrent tabs to be restored from a session withbrowser.sessionstore.max_concurrent_tabs (accepted values 1-10) Significantly improved performance and accuracy of date/time/timer handling. Significantly improved performance of the creation of DOM elements with plain text content. Added several significant performance optimizations for arrays and strings in javascript. Added several code performance optimizations and bugfixes in SVG, the presentation shell, SCTP, style gradients and CSS parsing routines. (Thanks, Axiomatic!) Added an "Open link in current tab" context menu entry on links for UI consistency. Updated styling of the browser with personas (lightweight themes) once more to improve display in tabs-on-top mode, improve overall legibility of tab text, and display of inverted close buttons on some controls on dark personas. Added a special case check for the Flash plugin version check on Linux failing due to commas instead of periods in the version string. Added Windows 10 compatibility in executable manifests. Android: Fixed a crash on GL canvas surfaces. Fixed incorrect Sync "howto" instruction links from the Sync dialogs. Fixed the color of selected tabs in Linux when personas (lightweight themes) are in use that do not match the overall tone of the OS system theme. Fixed a bug where a variable in parentheses would abort Javascript parsing. Fixed a bug where the address bar would incorrectly be cleared. Fixed padding issues for dropdown lists. Fixed DNS lookups so proper record types are requested for IPv4 and IPv6. Security fixes: Disabled all RC4-based encryption ciphers by default. [More info] Fixed several miscellaneous memory safety hazards. (applicable bugs related to CVE-2015-0835 and CVE-2015-0836) Fixed loading of locally stored DLL files through the internal updater. (CVE-2015-0833) Fixed a potential crash point in IndexedDB. (CVE-2015-0831) DiD Fixed a double-free situation when using non-default memory allocators and a 0-length XHR. (CVE-2015-0828) Note: production builds of Pale Moon were never vulnerable. Fixed a crash using DrawTarget in the Cairo graphics library. (CVE-2015-0824) Fixed potential reading of local files through manipulation of form autocomplete. (CVE-2015-0822) Fixed a potential PNG heap-overflow crash. DiD Followed up on research regarding CVE-2014-8639 (see 25.2) and made cookie handling through proxies more restrictive again. DiD This means that the fix is "Defense-in-Depth": It is a fix that does not apply to an actively exploitable vulnerability in Pale Moon, but prevents future vulnerabilities caused by the same code when surrounding code changes, exposing the problem.
DiD This means that the fix is "Defense-in-Depth": It is a fix that does not apply to an actively exploitable vulnerability in Pale Moon, but prevents future vulnerabilities caused by the same code when surrounding code changes, exposing the problem.
If you have Pale Moon and have it set to auto update…no problems. If not, then Help> About Pale Moon.
If you haven’t gotten it, and want it: http://www.palemoon.org/ and go to “Downloads” on the options bar under the Moon.
Want to read a review? Excellent one: http://www.ghacks.net/2015/03/13/pale-moon-25-3/?_m=3n%2e0038%2e1547%2ehj0ao01hy5%2e1lpv
Happy Pi Day and A. Einstein’s birthday!
As usual, "Thanks, Doc!"
I used Chrome all the time. Trying this and seems pretty good and a bit faster. Going to run with it for a week or so to test it out.
Thanks doc.
DaveBax said: I used Chrome all the time. Trying this and seems pretty good and a bit faster. Going to run with it for a week or so to test it out. Thanks doc.
DaveBax said: I used Chrome all the time. Trying this and seems pretty good and a bit faster. Going to run with it for a week or so to test it out.
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I also like it because apparently Chrome coders can't be bothered by the 'FREAK' matter and Chrome remains vulnerable.
Disabling SSL scanning in BitDefender & Avast (perhaps in other AV's as well) 'fixes' Chrome's FREAK vulnerability (at least here), but Chrome should fix it natively. Not sure how important SSL scanning is to one's AV, but until the AV's are updated to not use the old ciphers, wouldn't enable it.
I prefer PM to Chrome in any event.
Ran into a problem of inaccessibility of Gmail with PM. Turns out the Google cookies caused the problem: The answer I got from a dev was: "Clear your cookies for google.com -- redirect loops with them are common if there is a cookie problem."
While I had to do that twice, it turned the trick. Just to let the folks know what to do if they run into that problem with PM.
Well I installed Pale Moon in the x64 variety and am somewhat happy with it thus far. The good thing for me is that all the Firefox extensions I use are compatible, so it's not a lot different to using Firefox, though I do think it is a little quicker loading pages, etc.
I'm still porting everything over to Pale Moon so I'm currently on Firefox while I pop back to say how pleased I am with PM, but if all goes as expected, I will probably make Pale Moon my default browser, which does seem a little strange after the last 10+ years with Firefox. Still, times are a changing, and a change is as good as a holiday [vacation]... so it's said.
So again, thanks, Doc, for posting yet another great link to u-beaut software.
Welcome, starkers. Pale Moon seems better designed with respect to Windows than Firefox - at least that's what the dev states...not surprised about your extensions. If you do run into a problem with any of them, you should report it (from the home page, I believe)...they seem to want to fix things.
I have Pale Moon , IE, and Chrome on this PC and Pale Moon is the one I use it just feels better fast and simple.
I'm still setting things up to how I want/like them, but so far so good, with everthing behaving at it is supposed to. All my extensions work as they should, however, should I run into a problem I can't resolve, then I shall let them know via their forums, etc.
Thanks for the heads up Doc.
If you want to play a little, open up Task Manager and sort the running processes by process name. Then open up Chrome and maybe 3 tabs at the same time. Leave that all open, then open up PaleMoon and open up the same 3 tabs at the same time.
Compare the sum total of all the Chrome.exe usages with the PaleMoon usage.
"The Battle of the Better Browser" will undoubtedly continue and I'll never pretend to know which one is really better on any given day, but I do hate what Chrome does in Task Manager.
[quote ] All my extensions work as they should, however, should I run into a problem I can't resolve, then I shall let them know via their forums, etc.[/quote]
just in case > PaleMoon \ Firefox > Known Incompatible Add-ons :
Yes, I saw that on their home page when I went there to download. Thing is, I don't use very many addons, about 3 or 4 privacy and security ones. and those I used in Firefox are working okay in Pale Moon, but I shall keep your link in mind should I venture into other extension types further down the track.
Palemoon also skins well, FWIW. I've had only a couple of issues with PM - Flash frequently crashes (suspect that's Flash but interaction with an aspect of PM is reasonable to consider) and .pdf's fail to render at times & generate an error message saying there was a problem with Adobe (Reader or Acrobat).
It claims to be a modified Firefox, "optimized" for Windows with all non-Windows features & code stripped out. At least in layman's terms.
Oh well, until that's fixed I guess Firefox will need to remain... not that I've had any issues with Pale Moon thus far.
I still haven't entirely set PM up as I'd like it - got sidetracked and then needed to sleep - but it is on today's aganda for some attention.
Sounds like perhaps PM can't keep up the pace for Adobe's updates...or, lacks something in the basic coding, for whatever reason. However, since it was designed especially for Windows, you'd think the basic code is compatible.
Just heard about this browser for the first time. Being intrigued, I downloaded and installed it. I would switch over from Firefox but unfortunately, Roboform Pro doesn't work with it so I'm going to stick with Firefox. Hopefully, in the future they will make it compatible! Thanks for the heads up on this.
I think it's ridiculous that it would support all browsers EXCEPT Pale Moon...what's the deal, I wonder?
No idea. I just sent them a support ticket asking if they would consider supporting it. Fingers crossed!
EDIT: I just received a reply from Roboform Support, this is what they said:
"Ivan replied (2015/03/17 02:31 pm EDT):Thank you for your message,Note: PaleMoon 64-bit is not supported by RoboForm yet.To attach RoboForm to Palemoon x32:Click RoboForm > Options > Browser Integration, uncheck the option 'Mozilla FireFox', you have the option 'Attach RoboForm to FireFox even if adapter is not installed' checked, please keep it checked and click OK.To let RoboForm attach to PaleMoon, you have to keep running RoboForm taskbar icon in system tray. Open PaleMoon, click the RoboForm Taskbar icon -> Select Show Toolbar."
So at least the 32bit version is doable for now and the use of the word "yet" indicates they are going to get it to work. Hopefully soon.
I just tried installing the 32bit version on my work computer and Roboform works flawlessly there with the tip Ivan gave me. Still, I'd prefer having the 64bit version working, hopefully not too much longer!
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