Altering the registry to reduce/negate the delay is not ideal [or probably even recommended by MS] so I expect GUI devs will want to honour MS's load sequence and set their apps to initialize when MS wants them to...
For mine, MS 'wants' too much and thus interferes too frequently with the wants and needs of end users. I hate that program related items go by default to Public the Documents folder. I'd rather they went elsewhere, preferably to a different drive to save clutter on the OS drive/partition, but no, MS has to have its way. I have a name for companies/people who behave this way - essentially bullying others to get their own way - but sadly I can't use it here.
Anyway, while my big beasties don't need it, both boot fully in around 6 seconds after adjustments, I will certainly avail myself of the fix for my lappy-come-tablet, which has far fewer BIOS and other adjustments, and bugger MS if they don't like it.