I had a passion for skinning at one time. So much so that it sometimes interfered with family life.
What has changed? It's very simple: Windows 8.
I know that programs like modern mix and start 8 make w8 seem almost like w7, but that's just it......almost, but not quite. Windows 7 was just perfect for a skinner! Just as skinnable as XP IMHO.
I feel very uninspired to skin for windows 8 because of the many hard coded fugly white areas that just stick out like a zit on a super model's face! I am a perfectionist to a fault (just ask anyone who knows me well) and these unskinned areas just piss me off and make any skin look half finished.
So for me, skinning is over.
I very much doubt that Windows 10 will be any better. If I know MS, they will do everything possible to make it harder and harder to completely skin the OS.
Wake me up when we can skin everything and I'll be there.