Disappeared just when I learned to shop.
Who are you kidding. You have been shopping so long you are on your 42 full cart.
Doc doesn't shop... well not in the 'go to the store' sense. Nah, he's too busy 'PhotoShoppin' for that and his fridge orders everything to be delivered... and then his robovac puts it all away. Yup, very organised is our Doc. The only thing he can't get his appliances to do for him is a toilet break... but when he's on the computer 'shopping' people he has his commode chair [which he somehow acquired while visiting one of his patients in hospital] for that.
And speaking of age... Doc is older than a fossilised fart. Now ya know where the term 'old fart' comes from... and if ya ever get called one, blame Doc.
Yup, Doc is so old he could have been at a significant Bethlehem birth, but he was busy 'shopping' Herod and got there too late. But that's the story of his life, always taking too long to get there.. unless you're referring to his bedroom prowess, or lack thereof. You see, he so old that he hops into bed and falls asleep before anyone else gets there.
never mind, Doc, we still loves ya... and I do expect another 'shop' to add to my collection as a result of this bit o' tongue-in-cheek,
I also learned something,
That is quite a miracle.
Now what's the appropriate saying here.... 'you're skating on thin ice'....hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn'... 'never piss off a woman holidng a wet kipper'... or all of the above?
In any event, Dave, it has been nice knowing ya, cos I've never met anyone yet who survived a decidedly deliberate 'donging' with a D9 bulldozer.
Comes at a bit of an inoppotune time, really! I've got nothing to wear to the wake... and I'm not ironing my birthday suit to get the wrinkles out for anybody.
Nah, I think you should get down on your knees [that's if they still bend that far] and beg Christine for mercy. I mean, you wouldn't want all the other old timers joining you cos I scared 'em to death wiv me unironed birthday suit, would yer.