If you find it stolen you need to serve notice on the thief and/or hosting site, NOT [the site] from where it was stolen.
That is way I didn't sever wincustomize the DMCA NOR DeviantArt...
why telling me this I don't know as it was VERY CLEAR I didn't and wasn't blaming WC...
{{"If you wish your artwork to NOT be stolen you will need to remove it from the Internet."}}
That would be like telling the Music, Movie, game, Computer Program, etc.. industries (people) NOT to make them if they don't want them stolen...
Doesn't sound as clever as you thought it was, now that I turned that no logical statement back on you who works for a Gamer and Computer program company, who's products get stolen... a lot more than mine do... which are FREE no money lost on my side...
If anything your comment should have been at Wizard1956 for being the ass to ME for no god damn REASON...
{{"it's predictable. DeviantArt is a cesspool.
Did you expect them to deal with it? Apparently not, and then you came to WinCustomze to ask for advice."}}