Thing is, Windows 10 will be the most technically advanced, superior OS that MS [or anyone else] has released,
No, actually all you can say is it is the NEWEST.
It is ONLY HOPED it is both advanced and superior.... but yet again the criterium for defining such is important.
It can be argued that if an OS is NOT universally adopted/appreciated/liked then it is actually INFERIOR.
This is NOT semantics it is actual logical reason devoid of pre-conceived pro-fanaticism.
The motivation for sidestepping a version '9' is quite revealing. Is it to attempt a 'fresh start' after the 'wrong-direction' of 8 followed by too much positive AND negative speculation as to what '9' might be that prompted the has been the case for all previous numbering/naming processes they've adopted?
Vista became 7 because it wasn't universally greeted as well as XP had been ie some considered it inferior to XP.
Each OS build is a simple MS market push for dominance [success] and 8 did not succeed, not by any stretch of the imagination. Yes, lots of people offered reasons....but the most relevant one was that 7 was so competent no-one saw the need, even when [or because] MS tried to make it indespensible as a cross-platform conformity - about as commercially-driven a ploy as has been [still is] 4k televisions....3D televisions.....curved screen televisions.....all blatant attempts to get the consumer to replace the perfectly good machine he already has....long before it grows old and dies.
That video 'introduction' is simply cringe-worthy on so many levels.