you're both so old... when you leave the Museum... the alarms go off...
Oi, I resemble that.
Syd's so old her first bra was a pterodactyl egg cracked in half and held together with sabretooth tiger hair.
starkers is so old that when he was a kid rainbows were black and white.
Doc is so old that when he first practised medicine, lab rats were reptiles because mammals hadn't been invented yet.
I thought this was upside down bass ackwards thread. Kinda turned into the elder upside down bass ackwards so old thread.
Uvah's so old that continental drift was a thing of science-fiction and something of future days when he was a lad.
Man, I'm glad Lisa doesn't come to this site.....I'd be in a heap o shit!
Sheep shit, even.....
RND is so old that sheep were 10 foot tall and still had scales when he was a lad.... so he invented the ladder so's he could reach to whisper sweet nothings in Lizzie's [as in Lizard's] ear.