Uvah, because it's a pain in the ass, and regardless of what some others may see, it hasn't been like that for a long while.
We pay a subscription to be on this site, we shouldn't have to deal with being automatically subscribed to a bunch of threads just because we replied to it.
If one spends a lot of time replying, helping, etc. in the forums, it quickly becomes a pain to have to remember to uncheck a box that SHOULD be unchecked by default.
In options, there is a box which, when unchecked, SHOULD take care of this problem, but it isn't working.

It is there for a reason, let's see if we can make it work as it should.
Some things do tend to get ignored at this site, like the non working emotes, for example. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.....if it is broke, then fix it.