I work from home and have several computers that use depending on the situation; I don't mind having to spend a little more money; however, I don't really want to have to deal with multiple accounts, licenses, etc. just to keep things straight. Additionally, I'm constantly wiping machines and it is very nice to use the Object Desktop manager to install and use my email/password to activate. What happens when I wipe and reinstall? How does the activation count handle this? Am I going to have to remember to somehow uninstall/deactivate each product before I move forward? Here is another scenario, that is very common, I typically take the hard drive out, set it on the shelf (just in case), install a new HD to rebuild from scratch. HD's are a moving part and every once and a while when I am in reset mode, it makes sense to replace the moving part(s). Again, same issue, if I forget to uninstall/deactivate (which I'm not even sure at this point as to how to do this); and doing this on other software that has this same limitation is a PITA. Having to remember this on yet another piece of software; and I'm assuming that this will eventually carry over to all of the Object Desktop products... is going to just create even more of a problem for me. The Multiplicity license is what I'm looking for. I have my account, I have a reasonable number of machines.. yes, it's more than two... I should be able to use my Object Desktop account to install the product on the machines that I use. As someone else pointed out, if there is a way to purchase (at a reasonable increase) a license that handles this; sign me up. I just want to be able to activate using my account information... not having to uninstall, deactivate, keep track of keys, etc. just to be productive. To me, it seems that there should be a reasonable way to identify serious abuse in your activation scheme. I understand the issues you raise; but most of us in this forum and who are replying to this thread are probably people who fall into the category of 1, 2, 5 maybe even 10 ***personal computers***. I have a small tablet device, larger tablet device, main desktop and two other desktops "connected" together using multiplicity, a "craptop" (for some testing the least available hardware scenarios) and a television computer. Obviously I can only be using any particular computer at any given time; however, when that occurs can change at a moments notice. So may I suggest a "household" license at a reasonable increase in yearly Object Desktop subscription? This is how I, as a long time user of the products, have been using the product (again, I can't hide this fact, it's all tied to my account.. so this should come as no secret).
I've never been contacted in all the years I've used the product and, to me, it seems that I'm using it in a "reasonable manner". Additionally, because I use the product on the laptop(s) I use to public presentations (I'm a Microsoft MVP); I'm sure that I've sold several licenses of either Object Desktop, Start8, ModernMix and/or Fences since the release of Windows 8.
I can't tell you how often people complain to me, of which I have to respond, I don't work for Microsoft, I just talk to developers how to do things using their products; to which I then follow up with "to fix your problems, use this..."
Please don't take anything I'm saying in the negative; I love your products. All I'm asking is please don't make things more difficult for me. I just want to be able to use my singular account to solve my problems... as I've always been able to do until now. Please consider this in your move to address the licensing issues that others have mentioned.