You as well? My funds are on their way.
Can't be! I beat you to it and sent my details off weeks ago to be sure I didn't miss out.
So back off all you gold diggers, this one's mine.... ALL mine!
Seriously, though, given all the publicity regarding these scams, it makes you wonder why the scammers bother to keep trying.... or that anybody still responds in the hope of a quick buck. Me, I delete all unsolicited email without opening... cos if I didn't ask for it I don't want it. I do subscribe to a few newsletters and some online shopping sites that I frequent for PC parts and electronics, etc, but other than everything that is not from a known and trusted contact is auto-deleted.
Oh and another thing to be wary of is online surveys. A lady I know got a popup that promised cash and prizes for answering a few questions, but that was far from the truth. The truth was that if she didn't answer yes to every question the survey/questionaire kept going around in a loop and asking the same questions in different ways over and over. She eventually quit and closed the page because she had no interest in those things she ticked no to, but it did not end there. Her inbox and junk folders were being inundated for days with spam from various companies that had been named in the survey and it was relentless. I have since equipped her with ad and popup blockers and sorted her email client to auto-delete unsolicited mail. Hopefully she is a little wiser now and won't get caught again.