WOW, thanks Dave Bax for setting up this thread. And thank you all, folks. You know I love you and always will (as a friend of course).
I miss skinning every single day. Unfortunately there is still a plenty of other important things keeping me back from skinning all the time. As Dave says we're in the process of building the house, so currently having a lot of cares about it. Another thing is that my actual job takes me more hours compared to how it used to be in the past. I wish a day had 42 hrs not just 24, fellows.
Don't ever think I stopped skinning. It's just a pause which isn't supposed to last forever. Besides,
I can see some skinners coming in like Bleumart (apologies if I somehow distorted the nick) and perhaps other two's I can't recall now. And there are some "runners" like Dave Bax, gmc2, Lighstar, now CountryYokel upon some disease of his is back, Basj seems to skin more regularly, Neone 6 (an insane hell artist) or Destrohelix. I am quite sure there would be other names too if I didn't have such a crappy brain, guys. Still you have a plenty of choices which is good. I was afraid that would be the end of skinning when Windows 8 came to appear. But I wasn't right and I am happy I wasn't.
As you can see there are always options. And if skinners hear closely they can satisfy both 7 or 8 users. It's rather about willingness and attitute.
But yes, it warms one's heart so much when hearing people didn't forget about them. And I am happy to hear from you. You made my day.
Many many thanks for the wishes my friends. I wanna promise I'm gonna be back soon, but this promise is hard to made. I can assure you WinCustomize crosses my mind many many times regularly. If time doesn't get hard too much I would love to be on here more and more.
P.S. I didn't tell that but it was Maggie who prompted me to dig more and more about skinning in the past. Sometimes Im wondering how possibly I can give it back to her.