Hello there.
I am a long time stardock customer, since the OS/2 Warp days. When Win2K came out i switched to it and WindowBlinds, then there's been a gap in my usage between the release of Vista and last month, when I switched to Windows 8 and could not bear to look at it, so WB again.
This was supposed to be my 1st post though, it's actually the 3rd. The first two ended with this weird message:
"The reply that you tried to make got all jumbled on the way to our server. Please wait a moment and try again."
Anyway, here's my desktop (if it takes this time):
And since i get a "broken" icon for the image, here's the url to that screenshot:

Sorry, i can't seem to properly insert the image, the dialog pops up but i get only a empty frame. if i add the link properly it won't work either: "Bad request", so here's the link as text: http://www.tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=f5a9e1c
Nope, regardless of edits I can't get either the image or the link to work in this post, however the links works properly everywhere else.... that's weird. I've edited the post 4 times, because of the errors i had on the first two attempts I assume there's a problem with the bb server software, if that's the case, I can't fix it.
I'm laughing right now, the post came up double, not as in the accidental "double post" classic, but the text inside this post was repeated twice.... so it seems i was right about the server software suffering a fit.
my apologies....
WB Skin: Target by JJ Ying fixed for windows 8
Winamp skin: Multipass