I just visited a forum where a woman was complaining that it was difficult for her to make ends meet. Then in the very next sentence, she started gushing on about her new expensive smart phone…
I found her cognitive disconnect to be disturbing. I just couldn’t believe that she was serious. [faceplam]
I was going to state the obvious…”Maybe if you didn’t buy a smart phone, and sign up for an expensive contract, you might find it easier to make ends meet….”
But I knew the entitlement sh*t storm I would receive, so instead I suggested building a budget and cutting back on other expenses (other than her precious smart phone). I even offered to provide her with a template to get her started on a budget.
So rant over… But I think this is a good example of why personal finance is an important life skill that should be taught in schools…even if it requires dropping art and music class from the curriculum.