if you want to stop those 'thieves' then you only need to increase the height of the 'fences' that you use around your gardens and property, but atleast you do not NEED to increase the depth of the fence as well as we do here in australia ( those bloody roos are at it again (they can clear either a 10 foot high fence or a 10 foot deep wire barricade (think like the wire barricades used in the first WW around the trenches)so we need to have 10 foot high AND 10 foot deep fences, and do not talk about those 'drop bears', those cunning buggers are occasionally using vines to swing out to land on anything going NEAR(within approx 20 yards) the trees they are in. (the effect is similar to having a between 30 and 60 KILOGRAM thrown canonball hitting on the target (either animal OR vechile). in dropbear country it is safer to travel in a APC, TANK or helicopter(so far the dropbears have not attacked anything above their trees)(even without weapons) than any other type of transport.