Quoting DrJBHL, reply 1Maybe you should update from ie8? Or use a different browser?
yea, yea, standard answer but here's the thing, I use IE8 because it does not support html5 and I can disable flash. I really hate being notified that I have won some prize with the flashing red/yellow banner/fonts. I keep searching on how to disable html5 video but alas...
Does anyone know how to disable the video portion of html5???
get Chrome.
under advanced settings, content settings set plugins to "click to play".
as extensions install AdBlock (=/= AdBlockPlus), Ghostery, Disconnect, DoNotTrackMe and Google Analytics Opt-out Add-on (by Google).
you'll be surprised how clean the Internet looks all of a sudden.
if due to recent events you longer trust US companies in terms of privacy (but then you use IE), use the Yandex browser. it's built on Chromium, so all the mentioned settings and extensions will work as well.
the only thing you gain from using IE 8 is a higher chance to get hit by malware and exploits.