Your emotional dislike/rant and wild guesses about volcanoes and conspiracy theories about "the rich" are not very convincing evidence of anything.
I seek not to provide evidence, convincing or otherwise. I have been on the planet 60 years and have lived in both hemispheres. I have witnessed extremes of both hot and cold in both hemispheres... unseasonal weather, if you will, that so-called experts try to explain as being something other than a natural event that has happened millions of times all over the planet for centuries... long before the population explosion, the Industrial Revolution and global deforestation. The Bible, which is not just a religious tome, but a historical record, records many weather phenomena such as the ones were are experiencing no, as did Greek, Roman and Ancient Chinese writings, so it is nothing new.
I'm not saying that mankind should not clean up its act. Far from it! I have also witnessed some pretty foul acts by industry that desecrate the environment, so I am not opposed to cleaner, healthier practices. However, I do not see why I should pay dearly for decades of industrial neglect just because some industrialists have arguably grown a concience and suddenly care. Bullshit! And who else has the money to pay for scientists to 'factually' corroborate their 'concerns'.
When I say it is scare mongering, it is precisely that... a 'scientifically proven' way of parting you and I from our money. And pray tell me, if you can, if these industrialists, politicians and other vested parties actually cared about the planet, then why didn't they put into place cleaner, safer practices decades ago when it became obvious that pollution was unhealthy for everyone/everything? Why wait 'til now.. when science can be used to pave the way to amass even greater profit? Simple! They've waited until a large percentage of people who'd know better are dead, have Alzheimers or are too darned old to care.
That leaves the SNAPs [Sensitive New Age People] EMOs and the gullible young who haven't lived long enough to have gathered and real worldly wisdom. These are the targets of this global warming travesty and they've swallowed it hook, line and sinker because it's easier than looking beyong what they're being force fed.
As for wild guesses about volcanoes and earthquakes, both of which can cause the elements to heat up, has your head been, um, in the sand this last few years of have you been in a coma or something? Iceland, Japan, Indonesia have all experienced major seismic disruptions over the last few years, and you think none of this has contributed to climactic change?
As for conspiracy theories regarding 'the rich', there has always been the rich entreprenurial type who seeks to line his/her pockets with the cash of lesser folk [the average Joe] so there's nothing new about that.... and there's no 'conspiracy theory' about it.
And my rant? It's calling a spade a spade.