Ya know, I'm entirely sick of hearing all this bullshit about [man made] global warming. It's total crap and we need to dismiss it as such.
As with any other statistic/measurements, the date collected for this money raking exercise has been manipulated to suit those with vested interests... big business, governments and scientists who yet haven't proved anything else worthwhile. The entire farce is about hiking up prices so that we pay more than we should need to for power, fuel, manufactured goods, etc. It's about the aleady stinking rich lining their pockets with even more of your money, and the sooner everyone realises this the better.
So sea levels are rising, so-say due to industry, man made pollution, etc, but there's never any mention of subterranean volcanic activity when their studies are published/made public. I mean, fech me, if a few volcanoes don't warm oceanic waters I dunno what the fech will.
And all that airborne pollution we're responsible for, the volcano in Iceland spewed out more toxic crap in a few dayss than mankind has for half a century or more. Global warming my arse! The events and temperature fluctuations have been occurring for millions of years... and they will continue for a few million more.
Yup, cavemen and other primitives endured the same weather extremes as we are now... the only difference now is that we have a bunch of greedy smart-ass businessmen, politicians and scientists who have beenh paid for seeking to profit from it handsomely... at YOUR friggin' expense.
I'm not saying manking should not clean up its act... it should, but wealthiest 1% should not get even wealthier for employing better practices for the environment. I mean, they've been polluting the planet since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, 200 plus years, so do they suddenly give a fuck now? They didn't give a fuck back then, nor 100 years ago... not even 50 years ago. No, there they were mass producing and polluting the planet in the name of profit, and if they give a fuck now, which I very much doubt, it's in the name of profit.
Put bluntly, Global Warming is a money driven debacle to part you from more of yours.