Your level of understand falls very short of the line. The methods between between predicting the weather for next week and looking back at the pass and making correlation with what is happening today although similar in some places is very different since looking back and making correlations requires a lot more information.
So there is MORE information needed to plot the climate, globally, over that past millennium than to predict next weeks weather? Ok good, you agree here then.
How ever collecting that information is not impossible. It is only time consuming, and we have been collecting that data for over 60 years now and a clear picture is being told from it.
So? All this information, yet science can't predict the simple weather? Don't tell me it isn't the same, it is. You have to understand the effects of the sun, the earths crust, the general weather, the catastrophic weather, ocean dynamics, all kinds of things just to figure out one section of time's weather...
Yeah my level of understanding is just fine, I don't by "the end is near" bull.
The climate is changing period! As for the reason it's changing everything points to human activity being the main factor behind it. But even then, even if we humans would not be responsible for climate change would that be an argument for us to do nothing about it?
The climate has always been changing, why must it be static? And why must humans be responsible? You then go to cover your ass by saying that "even if we aren't"... aka "even if we are wrong" (as has been the case with all these models that predicted a warming trend, yet we are in a cooling trend) we should do something about it. Why?
If the climate is changing should just sit back and watch as our species slowly gets wiped out and die off?
Ah, here is the why... extinction. Right. Cause we are so not adaptive to anything.
So are you saying that we should just give sit back and die? Because in all honesty that is exactly what you are preaching in the end!
The only thing I'm preaching is that you all are drunk on the environmental kool-aid and need to wake up.
The was so close......
Didn't you hear? The end IS near!
Sorry Jafo, I guess I picked at the scab and caused some more bleeding... my bad.