Quoting starkers, reply 39my hips hurt like buggery today and standing exacerbates that.
Hot shower and keep moving... will lessen the pain, old friend. I know the motion makes the vertigo worse, but perhaps moving your hips while seated will help some...
My best to the Missus... that was one helluva thing she did to support cancer victims, mate. I'm seriously proud of her!
I do get up and walk around regularly/frequently, as prolonged sitting is neither healthy or advised... deep vein thrombosis, etc. Even while I'm sitting I'll jiggle my legs up and down and from side to side to keep things moving and prevent seizing up due to inactivity.
It's just one of those things, I have arthritis and some days are better than others. As for the vertigo, I'm listed to see an ENT specialist to investigate further into it. Various scans and x-rays have not revealed much thus far, but my sister recently had surgery for similar symptoms and issues with taste/smell, so my doctor [our doctor] raised my referral status so I'm seen more urgently. Hopefully, they'll get to the bottom of it and these constant feelings of motion sickness are a thing of the past. My sister had a tumor [non-cancerous] on the outer wall of her ear canal which was creating pressure and causing symptoms of vertigo, nausea and disorientation, etc. She tells me those have gone since the surgery, so I'm hoping for the same result.
Yeah, Shaunna has always supported cancer funds and raising cancer awareness. It's something she has done since losing her father and an aunt to cancer, so it is a thing that's close to her heart. Yup, she's a pretty special woman who's always generous and willing to help where possible.