I pulled this from Frankie's Journal post on Deviantart.
This is just a update from Frankie's Journal.
Just an update to let you know that arrangements have been made for Gary's funeral on Tuesday. If any of his friends would like to leave condolences they can do so at the link below.
I would like to thank all of you for your kind words and I have shared all of the journals and tributes with Gary's family. I am sure they brought some comfort during a difficult time for them.
It would be absolutely awesome if all of you who posted here would go to the link and leave condolences for Gary and his family. I would love to see a vast outpouring of love for a true friend.
No need to leave an additional comment here unless you feel you want to! Check out his photo from a healthier time. He was quite the handsome DUDE!
Thanks so much,
It is with a heavy heart that I post this journal. It is always hard to say good bye to an old and trusted friend, and so much harder when it comes about so suddenly and unexpectedly. Many of my friends and watchers are also friends with
Gary, alias skyzyk has been a friend and confidant of mine for the last few years and we spent many hours swapping artwork and ideas along with the latest versions of graphics software. It was last week when I realized that he had not returned my latest email and that he had not been present here on DA for several days. I went on FaceBook and found his sister and asked if she would check on his well being. It was with great dismay that I learned that they had found him in the hospital in ICU. Apparently his cancer had returned with a vengeance, he had pneumonia, was anemic and suffering from malnutrition. I was asked to keep this to myself until he became more lucid and could make a decision on rather of not I should let folks know of his condition. Unfortunately, I received an email this morning informing me that he passed away last night around 9 PM. I know that so many people that I have come to know online have just seemed to fall off the face of the earth and not knowing what became of them has haunted me. So I wanted to let those of you who knew and loved Gary that he is creating his wonderful artwork from above and I am sure is smiling down on all of us. I will be doing a feature on his works of art when I find my composure. As for now, I am truly grieving the loss of a true and steadfast buddy.