Quoting starkers, reply 199
Quoting kona0197, reply 179As much as I applaud your effort I fear that it will not work. I haven't used my Paypal account in years and the Paypal debit card that I had with my account expired years ago. Getting a new one would take more time and effort than it's worth.
Hmmm, that might be a problem due to Microsoft's inability to assist me. According to their Sydney rep I cannot make a purchase for your region, and the one I am able make here will not provide you with the correct product key for your region.
There is another way, I just need to contact doortech1 via PM to arrange something. Thing is, I have to go out for an hour or so, but I will sort something out when I get back.
Kona, you would not need a debit card or to link paypal to a bank account. That is just for you to be able to transfer funds between the bank and paypal. If you were sent money , via paypal frpm Starkers, then use your paypal , which would not take long to set up, to purchase the OS.
I will help if you both decide thats better, but I thought I would inject that thought.
Okay, so the folks at Paypal are still being proper assholes and reactivating my account using my new email address just isn't going to happen in time to purchase this OS before the $39.99 deal expires. They want me to jump through hoops and provide all sorts personal information before my account is again live, and then I'm told any funds I deposit will require a 180 day clearance while they check the validity of my application. Well as far as I'm concerned they can go get royally rooted with the rough end of a pineapple. Thing is, Shaunna now has an active Paypal account and I can transfer the funds to her bank account to forward on to forward the necessary funds via Paypal to purchase Win 8... it's just to whom that may be, that's all.
Now kona, doortech1 is correct in that you can have a Paypal account just to receive funds and make purchases, it's just whether or not you'd face the same crap I did in activating a new account, etc. In the end, it may be simpler just to forward the funds to doortech to make the purchase for you, but it wouldn't hurt to see if you can get an active Paypal account first. In either event, let me know so that I can take the next step, okay.