n making my new skin I made an inset background for my per pixel frame Close,Max and Min butons. I saved the background as a .png so I could cut it into 3 pieces.
I also made a different image for the single close buttons using an inset background that was complete.
When I applied the button omages the normal ones positioned correctly but no matter what pixel amount I enterd, the single close button wouldn't move and was stuck in the border of the frame.
After asking Xiandi about the problem she confirmed my suspicions that it's a glitch in SKS.
The way I fixed this problem was to go back into both close button graphics and re-position the single close button images as far left as they would go. I next opened up my main close button image and shifted the button placement to the right bu numerous pixels. Then, after re-positioning the buttons in the per pixel frames, the single close button (as seen in the Settings menu for the Start menu by right clicking the taskbar) the button had moved left and away from the right hand border.
I posted pictures showing the window with a single close button and the one at the bottom with the buttons stiched together so it would look like one inset background.

As a side note, the USI2 frame buttons have to be created with a complete inset background before placement because there is No single close button in that section.
My new skin "3D Blues" will be out soon so you can see the results in the per pixel and USI2 frames.
I hope this was of some help to skinners.