What 'right' exists on God's earth to 'own a gun'?
There is no such right, just as there is no such right to own/drive a car.
There IS a right to defend oneself, but if there were a "right" to own a gun there would be no licencing/permits/whatever.
There is a PRIVILEGE to own a gun, but it is NOT a right.
Right...privilege...call it what you may...or interpret it whichever way you want. What word one chooses to describe their ownership of gun doesn't really matter. The fact remains that there are people in this world that don't care what word you use to describe how someone came about owning a gun except in a discussion like this, and the ones committing the crimes don't really care about a constitution, all they care about is what you have and how they can make it theirs, and those same people would more than likely agree with everyone advocating guns being destroyed...would certainly make their chosen criminal field much easier. And the unstable ones I'm sure have all kinds of insane reasons to use a gun.
I would like nothing more than to see no need whatsoever to own a gun and all guns purged from the world, but it isn't going to happen as long as violent people and corrupt governments exist.
Quoting WebGizmos,
reply 103
Guns only engender fear when you add the human equation and your dumb enough to climb through someones window.
Nope. They engender fear. Period. No context needed.
Well apparently they do for you.
Quoting WebGizmos,
reply 103
There is nothing logical about it.
See how conditioned you are? You can't even see how logical it is! Americans produce the most guns and gun iownership in the wordl by HUGE margains above other countries. Especially in private ownership of guns. Why is that? Because we are locked in a cycle of gun-fear-gun-fear.
Who's conditioned? I didn't grow up in an environment being conditioned as most people did. I was lucky enough to grow up making my own decisions coming to my own conclusions and outlooks on life and the world around me. Please don't lump me in with everyone else. And again there are literally millions of private gun owners that will never ever use a gun to kill a human being. But because you have this fear of an inanimate object they should give them up? Your fear is misplaced.
Ok...I have this fear of being run over by a car or being stabbed with a knife...and this country has more cars and knives than anyone else in the world...when do we start getting rid of them? Or telling people you can only have one of each? When does it stop before we start looking at the real problem?
Quoting WebGizmos,
reply 103
Guns have been used for centuries for all kinds of reasons
Yup... like bookmarks, put a saddle on them and ride the. Doesn't work, eh? That's because you're arguing the absurd... They are designed and used to kill. Therefore? No context needed.
Now your just being silly...bookmarks...saddles...really? Who's being absurd? And yes gun are created for killing...continuing to state the obvious doesn't help your cause. Kinda of hard to hunt using harsh language or throwing stick or stones. Humans took a useful tool and turned it into a killing humans machine. Again...human factor.
Quoting WebGizmos,
reply 103
Yeah...good luck with that. Put everyone on ritalin. Unless your blind, violence has been escalating all over the world...does anyone ever doing anything to try and stop that?
Right along with guns. Funny thing. Don't need Ritalin. Just no guns.
Ok...just keep ignoring the fact that humans are resourceful and won't find another way to kill someone if that works for you.
No...it's a fact!
So guns are ok? Because anything can be used to kill. FINE! Then you won't miss the guns, will you?
That all sounds just hunky dory...not very realistic.
And wrong again. It is realistic because it is true. Can you live without food? Water? Clothing? Shelter? Why do you argue the absurd, endlessly?
Can't convince you of the obvious... you refuse adamantly to see it.
lol....doc doc doc You talk about me being absurd and adamant. Let me put it another way...Huh!?
Quoting Jafo,
reply 104
What 'right' exists on God's earth to 'own a gun'?
There is no such right, just as there is no such right to own/drive a car.
Here's more: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2012/12/15/fashion-calif-mall-shooting/1772539/
or this: http://annistonstar.com/bookmark/21143472-3-people-wounded-at-Brimingham-hospital-gunman-killed-
That's just today. You'd think that people would learn. NO! I want my gun! I wonder what this maniac would shoot if he didn't have a gun? An ice cream cone?
47% of Americans own a gun. Most of those own more than one. What? One isn't enough? NO! The U.N. is going to invade my living room in black helicopters to steal my Internet! The UN wants to steal my guns and put me at the mercy of the international plot to take over America!. Mobs of hunger crazed zombies! Giant amebas! Build a bunker! A bunker and a gun 100 guns in every pot!
So...like how is it all the countries with almost zero private gun ownership and tiny defense budgets manage to survive?
Guns. Yeah. 137,000 gun dealerships. MacDonalds? 37,000. Nothing crazy there.
And here's more! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_motor_vehicle_deaths_in_U.S._by_year I want my car!
And more! http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/deaths.htm
And more! http://www.drugwarfacts.org/cms/Causes_of_Death
I can do that as well...but what's the point?
And how many forks and knives do you own? You only need one!
The rest of that above is just plain silly! Giant amoebas!?
Macdonalds!? Really? Talk about absurd! Break out the tinfoil hats!
Why do 47% (per NRA) of Americans own guns? What the hell is everyone afraid of? Answer - criminals with guns. So... go buy more guns which criminals can steal, and cause more fear to buy more guns. Perfect...if you own a gun factory, the NRA or a cemetery related business.
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Time for something new.
How many times can one explain the obvious?
Guns: The perfect solution to the problem that guns and frightened people create.
Again with the fear mongering. Just because you obviously live in fear, most people are pretty sensible about gun ownership and don't live in fear.
If you can ever get over this fear you have only then can you see why someone would own a gun or more than one. Believe it or not there are a lot of people that are very responsible, level headed, that understand perfectly well what a gun can do...but they don't think the way a criminal does nor do they live in fear. Your the one who keeps throwing the fear factor around like everyone thinks we're being invaded or there's some sort of conspiracy going on at MacDonalds.
And criminal steals guns from people that don't take responsibility in regards to gun ownership by not securing their guns. They sell guns in this country like it was toys are us. The problem is that they completely dropped the ball when it came to selling some smuck a gun...assuming they were responsible. The one thing I will agree with adamantly is that not everyone should own a gun. Most people are completely irresponsible when it comes to owning a gun...in fact most people that own a gun never even fired a gun...they probably can't even load one.
The fact is...humans are far more dangerous than guns.
Quoting WebGizmos,
reply 103
Guns only engender fear when you add the human equation and your dumb enough to climb through someones window. The fact is a gun is an inanimate object which when left alone does nothing but turn to rust.
Without the human equation guns would be senseless. What would be the point of making a gun if it was just left to rust. WAKE UP!! A gun has one function......to shoot fuckin bullets! It's purpose is to KILL! Nothing more, nothing less.
Correct...unfortunately it exist and there's no denying it.
Hopefully having a gun that was just left to rust would be a signal that we have become better humans and had no need for it...the next step would then be not making them anymore.
There your just stating the obvious.