You can debate the need for tougher gun control laws if you want but before you decide that outlawing guns is the answer, here are a few thousand stories of how guns saved lives and provided home invasion protection.
Doesn't wash/hold water/make sense! With no guns in society, period, the gutless wonders who invade others homes would likely not be doing so... not without the gun that gives them the balls they otherwise lack. Okay, there may be exceptions to the rule, there always are, and the pro-gun wackos use this to justify gun ownership, but the fact is, the incidence of violent home invasion is going to decrease dramatically if the tools of trade [guns] are made unavailable to all except the military and police.
Besides, how the fuck is a home owner shooting and killing an intruder saving life? Regardless of whether that person was committing crime or not, he was still somebody's son; brother; nephew; grandson; uncle, etc, etc, and it is no less tragic for those family members to have lost a loved one by gunfire. No, you do not save life by killing, no matter how you want to paint it/dress it up.
The simple solution is, take the gun out of the equation entirely, then the intruder is unlikely to be there, and the home owner has no need to shoot him. That's how you save lives... not by placing the instruments of death in the hands of anyone who can do harm, whether it be murder or self defence, deliberate or accidental.
And before any of you says "what would you know about it down there in Australia and what right have you to tell us, I don't have to be American to see the stupidity of it all and feel compassion for the slain and their families. And what Right do I or any other outsiders have? Perhaps none, but look at the fucking mess Americans have made of it over the last 400 or so years of this inalienable right to bear arms.... millions of innocent people gunned down in cold blood... not one or two here or there... fucking millions... ALL DEAD because of some twisted notion that guns save lives. So do rattlesnakes [their venom is used medicinally] but you wouldn't want the bastards loose in your community.
In closing, because I'll not comment in this thread again, and this is aimed at NO particular person, but I am mystified and deeply disappointed at the lack of compassion and common sense being displayed here. 27 more people, 20 of them kids under 10, have been senselessly gunned down in a flurry of bullets, yet there's still this pro-gun "it's my right to carry a gun" thing going on... blah, blah, blah. Put bluntly, it just makes me sick to my stomach and my opinion.....