It is.. not.. black and white.
God forbid someone does come at you, or someone you love, with a gun one day.
Someone came at 20 kids...20 someones someone loved... with a gun.
Gun ownership did not help them.
Frankly there is no other 'point of view'.
All the chest-beating aside [yes, mine too], here's what you all need to think about.
Think of that cute/lovely nephew, neice, son, daughter, rug-rat ... the one everyone loves...but now not coming home from school again. The sense of loss.
It's profound.
Now, do it again...for his/her classmate you met once or twice maybe. Not coming home.
Then...again....the one he/she mentioned you hadn't met yet....and now won't.
....and 17 more.
There IS no understanding of how it happened....just as there is no understanding of how a society could be sufficiently flawed for it to happen.
Blame whom-ever you will. Nothing reverses the reality.
People on 'any' side of a proverbial fence need to wake up a little and DO SOMETHING to try to guarantee it does not happen again.
Only you can decide, but I can assure you that WHEN it is closer to [your] home your stance will be tested.
Last week, 5 people died in a 'car crash' on the Geelong freeway.....6 young [to me] people in one car coming back from a party..... and one driver on the wrong side of a divided freeway apparently trying suicide-by-car [succeeding]. She died...but so did 4 people I'd met, one of whom was connected family-wise [indirectly]...she's dead at 24....survived by children. [nephew's wife's sister]
Real trauma happens. That's life. It's a responsible adult's obligation to ensure such things are as minimal as humanly possible.
If you really think more guns in public [uncontrolled] hands is a good thing then fine...go for it, but I will remain sceptical.