The ONLY solution is gun control.
What happens to the elderly person who is shot in their home because they were not allowed the means to defend themselves?
The store-owner.. shot down as he tries to make a living for his family.. that is not allowed to defend himself?
Do you think maniacs? Drug addicts, burglars, thugs, gangsters.. give a flying F... about gun control laws?
Do you think it is a coincidence that the areas with the strictest 'gun control ' laws.. have the highest level of gun related crimes? (Fact)
Do you know how many people... 'children' die every year in Washington DC.. who took ownership of the strictest gun control laws in our country?
How will YOU defend yourself from someone with an illegal gun?? Gonna throw furniture at them?
It's ironic isnt it that some of the biggest proponents of gun control in the US, are surrounded by bodyguards, carrying.. guns.
What exactly do you mean.. by gun control? Taking guns out of the hands who should legally, constitutionally, have the right to defend themselves?
fact is... Evil people will always find a way to kill others... not allowing GOOD people to defend themselves is NOT the answer.
If our communities\country paid for armed police \ guards instead of free fucking cellphones, free rent, free LIFE for people who could care LESS for others.. maybe this could have been averted....
THE best way to stop a gunman... is a gun.
PLEASE answer these questions with logical replies.... No tangents allowed.
The whole gun control argument is so naive, it's ridiculous. UNTIL we can find a way to ONLY keep guns out of the hands of the criminally insane and evil.