1: I did not know Zubaz was just a regular unpaid user, with his Title of Stardock Support you get the idea that he works for Stardock. That being said I am fully supportive of community folks that lend a hand to their favorite apps, and communities and commend him for that. Though I am less supportive of closed source apps that take advantage of those types of users, they are making money and folks that go out of their way to support them should be compensated.
2: Zubaz, as a regular user I apologize, you did not deserve any type of personal attack! You are afforded the right to say anything you want, in any tone of voice you like. I knew and understood that your sarcasm was meant as humor, I simply took the hard line thinking that you worked directly for Stardock, again I apologize.
2: Waxplayer, I make no assumptions when it comes to customer service standards, I am both experienced and certified in IT and other Customer Service practices. Both as a Grunt and as a manager! If Stardock does not follow industry standards then that is their bad because these standards come from years of experience from many experienced and respected sources!
3: I do not recall whining at all, I suppose that is an assumption that you made waxplayer! I was simply pointing out what many other paying customers are feeling, as well as factual timelines.
4: In the real world software companies, and even development departments for standard companies, typically have release standards for how often new releases will come out, and how far behind major technology releases they will be, these even have industry standard terms tied to them. Customers, and ShareHolders typically demand this!
5: If folks wish to stay behind the times that is their choice. Personally I prefer to stay on top of what is new and fresh, and from what I have seen over the years skinners typically are that type of personality. So, assumption or otherwise, if you do the math, it would make sense for a company with a customer base that tends towards artistic, and cutting edge, would need to be the same to produce the highest possible revenue, and have the best customer satisfaction rates!