It's not that I'm all that sick, really. While I do suffer with vertigo, constant feelings of nausea and motion sickness without actually going anywhere, at the moment it's more that I'm feeling somewhat fatigued and run down. I don't sleep well at the best of times because of insomnia, and every so often the lack of sleep just catches up with me and I just want to sleep for hours on end... like I can sleep for 10 hours straight and go back for another 10 after being up for just 2, 3 or 4 hours. It'll pass soon enough, however, and I'll be back to normal... managing on 2 or 3 hours sleep here and there.
Anyhow, thanks for all the well wishes everyone, and a special thanks to mrs s for your concern.
You guys haven't been smooching again have you?
Nope, not until he agrees to shave off that stubble... yeah, I get whisker rash if he doesn't shave.