You do this every year, don'cha... have a celebratory day sometime in September... on or about the 25th, as I recall.
Can blame Doc for the about the 25th this year... and it don't mean you can double up on cake, neither.
Terry would like to be able to get her arms ar.... well almost around you, and double cake means you'd put the beef on.
Then there's all the amber nectar you'll be guzzling... adding the inches... and the pounds. Tut, tut!!!!
At your age you ought to know that you should be on the low carb stuff, right? Same with dinner, nothing heavy, perhaps a salad with a low fat dressing. Best skip desert cos you know how hard it is to lose those extra pounds in the latter years.
And of course there's the gifts! You don't want anyone to go to any trouble or expense because you know deep down they won't be thinking "it's the thought that counts" when it's their turn... and all you get them is a $2.00 scratchy. Being frugal [read tight arsed] has served you well over the years, but on birthdays it's a proper bastard, ain't it?
As for anything else, remember your bad back... that you need all your strength to moderate WC and chase spammers.
Anyhow, in spite of everything, try to have a good day tomorrow.
Have a great one, Old Sport.