Quoting joehandy2, reply 25...A step in the right direction would be for Stardock to mention on it's website that OD is not compatible with Windows 8.
System Requirements
Requires: Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP
It doesn't get any clearer than that.
You know perfectly well that nobody reads those types of texts, and so does Stardock. Nobody with a life has time to read software licenses, extensive FAQs and similar.
Therefore, since Microsoft is the leading OS vendor., since Win8 is their latest OS and since Stardock is running promos towards Windows 8 users, the sensible thing to do is to larly warn users that Object Desktop is not yet ready for Windows 8. For example with a warning sign in a prominent location, or a popup. Standard stuff, does not take long to implement.
The more lame excuses of this nature I hear, the more i lean towards requesting that Stardock postpones my subscription so that it becomes active when Windows 8 is supported, at least in Beta.
If anyone reading this feels seriously irritated about the situation, then perhaps you should write to the Support address at support@stardock.co and request that your subscription is postponed to start whenever Windowblinds, iconpackager and the other core offerings are compatible with Windows 8.
If this is important to you, then the response wilil show once and for all how much Stardock values subscription customers.