"It looks like you are using Internet Explorer. To view our site correctly, please update to a modern browser like Google Chrome or Firefox"
First anyone can install code on their web page if you know what to do and have don't use this or that or it won't work, very easy to do and Think Doc said it correctly on the thread link you posted. For those that think IE 9 sucks you are all entilted to do so . I use IE9 and Chrome and have no problem with either on any web site but do have the same problem as shown above here. There are times IE9 works better for me on certain things so I use it.
Stardock is built around the wondows OS fo so if this is an IE thing it should be able to fix. What we need to do is have a SD person not just make comments but actually tell us it cannot be fixed. I'm not saying it's not IE9 causing the problem but we need from an expert that the site can't be fixed for this problem.