Well fancy that, another date of birth comes rolling by and you look every bit your age... tho I do think you're a bit old to be dressing up in Batman suits. Never mind, it is the anniversary of your birth [was your dear mother ever awarded her medal for that?] so I think perhaps we can let it slide this time. Let's just hope the other guests turn up in fancy dress costumes so you don't look too badly out of place.
Mind you, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but you do look good in it. Thank goodness they make 'em in extra stretchy fabric, is all I can say... otherwise you'd be singing soprano and complaining it's uncomfortable... a bit like St Pauls Cathedral, and has "no frackin' ballroom".
Anyhow, me old mate, have a great day and may all your birthday wishes come true.
Happy birthday, Noah.