(Shakes fist at Stardock)[/quote]
[quote who="Snowman" reply="9" id="3203405"]Well, how's about adapting it for this century then?
More and more goes 64bit, you know.
Yeah, but the fist shaking should not stop at just 'RightClick'
IconPackager could do with some much needed love to bring it into the current century. It has been mentioned many times before that IP needs to be updated to allow us to include desktop shortcuts to make everything uniform. We all have desktop shortcuts, and we'd all like to make them fall in line with the icons IP changes, but currently that painstakingly has to be done manually, which doesn't make a lot of sense when most packages these days include additional icons for shortcuts to Firefox, MS Word, IE and many more frequently used apps. If Stardock can allow us to enter paths to apps and shortcuts in other programmes, then it shouldn't be too difficult to include it in IP.
Sorry for the hijack, Snowy, but your fist shaking about RightClick aroused old feelings about the inadequacies of IconPackager. However, I thoroughly agree with you on bringing RightClick into this century. Many of us have moved to 64 bit since the advent of Win 7, and RightClick is useless to all of us in its current state. You're not the only one who misses it, I and many others crave its use, but alas, it has been 3 - 4 years and appears not to be on Stardock's agenda for updating. I did find a proggie called Right Click Enhancer that adds a few options, but still it's a far cry from what RightClick can do.