After a bit of a layoff I am happy to have finished my latest WB - "Andromeda"
I have been working on this for a looong time, and I hope now that it is finished that everyone will enjoy this space inspired theme.
It is fully skinned for Windows 7, Vista and XP, and I shall continue to skin all 3 OS's at least for the near future.
The Skin also have a second substyle with plain toolbars and status bars. (requested by Snowman)
Matching skins and walls should be along soon in the galleries and as usual I offer my thanks to those who helped with this project.
I will post links to the nebula walls shortly in the thread.. any of you making matching skins, I will get the wb to you as well.
Please post any progress of matching skins in this thread.
Thanks everyone and enjoy Andromeda for 7, Vista and XP!