Okay. Just to mix shit up.
I feel the same way V does but I have given this some thought (cause I have that kind of time these days).
Some of the stuff in the WC forums has just gotten stale. If I weren't so afraid we'd have 20 more 'Your Banned' threads pop up in their place, I'd say let's clean house and remove them all and start over. But there is no realistic way to control the threads that would pop-up to replace them.
When I first came here there were some really good threads, like Icon-A-Day. The Rare Icon thread. And some others. There were more tutorials for DX.
Instead of getting down about the threads that exist and starting yet another thread (nothing personal) about it, how about some more productive threads to swing things around? We have a WIP thread. What about a monthly WIP thread and break them into seperate threads for Icons, DX, WIndowblinds, Docks..so folks can ask questions and look at the skinning areas they are into? You would have to have a new one each month. Keep them fresh. Just like the Screenshot threads.
Tutorials. I desperately want to do a blind. I think the only way I can do it is have someone go through it with me step-by-freaking-step. If someone (ahem) would be willing to do a thread with me, I'd be game. Tell me what part to do, guide me through it, show me where I am screwing it up, and then on to the next part. One step at a time. When we were doing the Troll Thumping Skins, I learned more about the the little stuff it takes to make a blind complete from Avman and other skinners than I did from screwing around with SKinstudio or reading someones tutorial.
I see a lot of requests for all kinds of stuff. How about a request thread? A new one each month. One request is taken and a bunch of skinners work on it together doing different parts of the blind, etc.
If there is something I can show someone how to do, I'd be happy to.
Just throwing this out there. Again, nothing personal. I feel the same way you do. But I think instead of complaining we could turn it around and put a better face on the whole situation. If we keep this up, we're gonna start looking like a community of whiners.