Guys and gals, I have been asked to orchestrate a help for Uvah effort (not by Uvah). I know that this awesome community is ready to help, as was the case with the Wiz in Need thread.
I am willing to be the go between, in an effort to see what Uvah needs and how to get it to him. This isn't about me doing anything great. I did little for the Wiz thing, and I'll be in a similar role here. It's about helping a community member who is down and out.
That said, the link in the OP leads to the original reasons for this effort. I will answer PMs with any info Uvah (Ross) gives me and I have a paypal acct. that can be utilized if needed. I'm sure letters, cards, gifts, funds, whatever can be done is more than he has.
I don't have all the info yet, for reaching Ross. I do have a phone number, and an email address.
I expect to hear from Ross soon with more info.
Anyone wanting to be involved just post here, or PM me or Ross.
I have a barn dance to DJ tonight. I'll check back around 11PM EST. Thanks guys!
EDIT: If there are those who can't help, please don't feel guilty. Just say something nice here, if you want, or just skip this thread. We realize that everyone has problems.