I hope Gamestop dies. I also hope that any other company that puts the dollar before the user dies along with it in some sort of corporate apocalypse. Capitalism in its most evil incarnation is ruining the gaming industry. There should be laws against C&C4!
I was going to let this go as it isn't really apropos the thread, but I just can't.
Capitalism isn't ruining the game industry. Consumers are. If a company's actions weren't profitable, they wouldn't do them. They're profitable because consumers go along with each dumb new gimmick.
It's idiot consumers who run out and buy something because of the name on it that are "ruining" the game industry. It's people that are willing to buy Madden 2012 despite the fact they own Madden 2011 because the 2012 version has three new animations, updated rosters, and a signed Tony Romo jockstrap.
And I realize it was probably hyperbole, but lets not start legislating crappy products just because people are too lazy/dumb/willfully ignorant to bother reading a review or trust a company's track record. How many franchises were acquired by EA and promptly destroyed before C&C? Couldn't anyone see that coming?
There's a reason we all support Stardock and are all suspicious of anything published by Ubisoft.
This is why I'm using my capitalist vote and no longer purchasing from Impulse/Gamestop. It pains me to be stuck with only Steam for most new games, but that's what it is.