I hope he is(/was) skinning for himself, otherwise it's for the wrong reasons.
I read that one...
Sorry but I finally have to interject my 2c on this subject, it's been bugging me for ages.
I think it's nonsense to think that everyone should only skin for themselves, they should skin for whatever reason they want to, this mantra of always coming back to skin for yourself is pure BS to me.
Please don't tell me that , if it is not 'just for myself' that my reasons are wrong. My reasons, our reasons are ours, and really none of anyone elses business, nor should they be judged so.
Sometimes I skin for myself, sometimes I skin because someone has requested something, sometimes I skin out of boredom, sometimes I skin because i have to, sometimes I skin because I like seeing the look on peoples faces \ words, sometimes I skin because I can't afford not to, sometimes I skin for therapy, sometimes I skin because someone else needs me to, sometimes I skin for all of the above at the same time , and sometimes for none at all. At the root of it all, Pride in accomplishment, and the enjoyment of others is the root of why I do almost everything I do, not just skinning.
I think its foolish to think that the majority of skinners, musicians, artists, do so, only for themselves.
People like other people appreciating their efforts, they like other folks taking notice, dropping their jaws, etc etc... to suggest otherwise goes against what we all know about human nature.
If your say you only skin for yourself, I say, don't bother sharing it, or at least admit u want people to look at what u have done and render their thoughts on it.