Totally agree 100%, Nimbin, and that's coming from someone who's gay and transsexual (I've not felt it necessary to mention the latter before because it's not been relevant to anything I've had to say or contribute on here, before now.) These things do not define me. Just as wearing 'Goth' clothing and listening to 'Goth' music, doesn't define me. Mainly because I wear other types of clothes and listen to other types of music, but also because they're clothes and anyone can wear them, and it's music and anyone can listen to it. It's not what or who I am, but what I do that defines me.
I've never understood what the purpose of a gay pride parade is. As a guy I know once said, "If a man walked down the road in nothing but a gold thong on any other day, he'd be looking at getting arrested". I don't see what a gold thong has to do with being gay. I've known plenty of guys that are gay, and they didn't have a gold thong, Hawaiian shirt or lisping effeminate voice between them (not that I'd begrudge them having those things), though they were still as queer as a bottle of chips, and in some cases, as camp as a row of pink tents. It didn't matter, because they were good and decent people.
I'm as tired of all the goddamn PC BS as anyone else. You can't say boo to a goose without someone getting up in arms about it, and so much of it only serves to make us more fractured as a society, instead of making us see that we're all just trying to get through life and earn the right to call ourselves human on a daily basis.
You can be sky blue with pink polka dots as far I'm concerned. If you're not acting like an arse, and making life harder for others than it need be, then you're fine and dandy by me.