Well, we shall see, I predict you are wrong.
I predict 2014, the debt will be being substantially reduced, unemployment down, 1-2% at least, Obama-not-care repealed, if it even makes it thru the SC (doubtful).. there will have been a dramatic turnaround.
I'm going to stop looking backwards, and look forward.
Let me get it straight.. it was all the rage, it was encouraged and cheer-leaded to hope 3 years ago, with the Messiah coming into office.. and now that he has failed, You want me to lose my hope now? Hardly.
I know it stings, I actually feel sorry for all the folks who were hoodwinked by this snake oil vendor, I really do. I hate to sound arrogant, but I knew everything I needed to know about the guy within about 2 weeks of him being on the scene, way back when.
So, I'll be damned if now that everyone has seen him, them, for what they are, if I am going to lose my hope for my future.
and ScottyInAtlanticCanada , maybe if you want to spam a thread with images and links, in bold, you can do it in another thread, I would surely appreciate it.
I didn't start this discussion for 'laffs' So please if you want to take part in a serious discussion, feel free, but stop spamming here please.
Doc doesn't need someone applauding every comment, I assure u , he can stand on his own two legs.
asking nicely