Doc, I say to you, Im gonna go knock off this liqor store, I need u to drive for me.. would you compromise? for me?
No, you wouldn't because it goes against what you believe in.
Why would the freshmen Tea party members compromise the exact reason they were sent there to begin by... THE PEOPLE?
When it comes to spending, THERE IS NO MORE COMPROMISE! Get used to it.
WE ARE BROKE. What is not to understand?
Take from the rich and give to the poor.. DOES NOT WORK.... its failed EVERY single time, in every country.
Fact is.. EVERYone is going have to bite the bullet going forward, Unions, seniors, students, immigrants, armed forces, rich, poor, black , white and purple!.
They can take 100% of everything 'the rich' make.. and it still will not make a dent.. on a 14 trillion natl debt. (and 10 trillion projected more debt under Obama)
Jeez, i can't wait until EVERY politician intent on spending us into oblivion is G O N E
STOP freaking spending. 
Viva fiscal Conservatism!